Grab Your License Key

For these great new add-ons designed to expand the power of your database solution

SUNRISE Computer
(the "Nerdy Collection")

Organise IT-related help desk problems, assets and people with this Help Desk system. Includes depreciation table for every asset you have, and a variety of useful reference tables, such as error codes for major OS platforms, IP-to-Country converter, keyboard codes. RAM size conversion tools, and more.

A single product (for publishing articles) or multi product (for catalogues) web page generator designed to streamline your web site management experience. Store your entire web site, perform easy uploads direct to your server, preview web pages, and make use of powerful search and replace functions. Bonus feature: Comes with a powerful HTML clean up tool for those messy Microsoft Word HTML documents (or from any other text processing app), as needed to create streamlined ePub, Kindle and other eBook products. Includes dedicated HTML editor, and tools for converting text, pictures and other information.

Grab your license key. We will send you the files via email.